Sunday, October 16, 2011

Internet Network Marketing: The Fastest Business Model to Boost Your Network Marketing Business

The use of the internet as a business tool has proven to be the fastest way to bring results. Network marketing is no exemption to this assertion. Traditionally, in network marketing, your sponsor will tell you to write your list of 100 prospects, which will include names of family members, relations, friends associates and acquaintances, do cold calling on the names in your list, invite more people to your opportunity meetings and so on. But the truth is that, this model has failed more people who has ventured into network marketing business than those it has helped. If you are still struggling with your internet network marketing business, finding it difficult to make a dime from your business opportunity; then you need to be shown how the top earners in our industry easily deploy the power of the internet to wreck in real bucks week in week out.
Internet Network Marketing is a well structured model that has changed network marketing from business as usual to an easy to operate system where the prospects become the ones hunting for the sponsor, with credit card in their hands soliciting to subscribe to your business opportunity. This is no bullshit. It is for real. You should also know that internet network marketing system is very convenient and defiles territorial boundary limitations. Through your website, you can show your prospects what is working for you in the industry.
Internet network marketing model is a system that any determined person can study and replicate hence start making good money from network marketing. This model involves five sure-fire guaranteed bullet-proof processes;
·         Set up your marketing system
·         Drive traffic to your site (marketing system)
·         Convert the traffic to leads
·         Build relationship with the people in your list
·         Start selling to, and make money from your list
By setting up your marketing system, you define how you will be promoting your business. Your marketing system involves setting up a website or blog. It is not just setting up a website but designing a Search Engine Optimized (SEO) site. Your site has to be well structured so as to be very much appealing to your site visitors. I know you may be asking, how do I make my site appealing? It is simple. You have to implement these strategies;
·         Your domain name must carry your niche keyword
·         Create pages that offer value. Note; every visitor who visits your site is there because he believes he can get something useful. Hence, offer valuable contents to them.
·         Make your squeeze page attractive and irresistible. Use powerful call-to-action in your squeeze page which promises something that your visitors cannot resist.
·         Use post archive to arrange your blog posts so as to make it easy for your visitors to access them.
·         Make your blog posts short and simple.
·         Make use of video posts often. It attracts the visitors more than articles.
If these look difficult to execute, do not worry. I have a package that will show you how to implement all the above strategies with just a click of the mouse.
After setting up your site, you have to drive traffic to it. This is the only way you will let the world know that you exist. Here are some simple traffic generation strategies;
·         Research your keyword for the article.
·         Google the keyword for similar contents.
·         Read about ten different similar articles on the keyword to gather more information.
·         Write your SEO article. Keep it short, simple and informative.
·         Submit your article to at least ten different directories.
·         Use a powerful and catchy anchor text in your resource box. Learn to attach your anchor links on the keywords so as to promote search engine optimization.
·         Publish same article in your blog. Note that the anchor link in the directories should be the direct URL to the article, not the site URL.
·         Use OnlywirePro to submit your article to as many social media as possible.
·         Post the article link on the walls of about ten groups you liked in Facebook that is related to your keyword. You have to use an attractive anchor text.
·         Tweet the article link on Twitter.
·         Post the article link on the walls of about ten groups that you follow in Linkedon.
·         Do these consistently and watch your traffic grow.
Now that the traffic is coming, you have to convert the traffic to leads. By implementing the Attraction Marketing strategies, you will easily convert your traffic to leads. You have to position yourself as somebody who is knowledgeable enough with the skills your visitors need to promote their business. Therefore, you have to develop yourself so as to present yourself as an expert. To command the respect of your visitors, you have to teach them what is working for you. By doing that, you are presenting yourself as a leader who is interested in the progress of your followers. As long as your visitors are getting these from you, they will subscribe to, and remain in your list.
It is important that you build a relationship with those in your list. You have to keep interacting with them. Your follow up messages need to be informative. When you have built a trust from those in your list, you can recommend materials and resources to them. From this avenue, you make affiliate commission. Also, those that are interested in your business opportunity will subscribe to it. At this point, you will continue to earn income in different forms from your lists.

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